
Baby Thrush

I’m blown away by the sheer industry and skill that goes into making a bird’s nest. And unlike we humans, birds do it all over again season after season.

Recently a good friend returned from a stint living and working overseas. She remains the same dear friend who had left some five years before … but also changed in subtle ways. Like a caterpillar she has morphed into a butterfly, a fact made more apparent by her absence.

We’ve been helping her settle into a new abode. Of course fundamental to any new home, is a garden. In her case, the garden will be in pots on an apartment terrace.

So when I found this beautiful nest blown out of its tree by the wind, I thought of her. Can you see the connection here?

My friend is nesting.

She will hatch a new life and a new identity in the space she is making her own.

We have all been a part of the process; lending a hand to move boxes, to give advice on colours for the repaint or the styling of her apartment, and last but not least, helping her create her garden. I have enjoyed sharing ideas and plant cuttings and she has enjoyed receiving them. And because of this, like a bird collecting nesting materials, she has woven a little bit of each of us into her new nest.

Another dear friend is busy clearing her nest. Her circumstances have changed warranting a sweeping away of the old to create the new; one that more properly reflects her essence and interests. I think the buzzword is ‘de-cluttering’. I see the effects of her physical de-cluttering reflected in her emotional life. A phenomenon I can relate to.

We all need to reassess and re-evaluate our nests from time to time. When they get fouled with obsolete ‘stuff’, whether plants, household things, or even old attitudes, it’s bad for the soul. How can you expect to fly weighed down by all that baggage?

Don’t believe the myth about empty nests either. There is no such thing while anyone lives there. Our nests aren’t built just for the young. Human nests continue to nurture us into old age.

Take a metaphorical stick out of the next bird’s nest you see to improve your own. Take time to clean it out and re-feather it. It will give you wings.

The bird a nest, the spider a web, [wo]man friendship.

William Blake

24 responses to “Nesting

  1. A timely post! I’ve embarked on a spell of sprucing up my nest, because I’m planning to flit and find another. I’ve been thinking about doing this for the past two or three years, but other things took priority, as they will. So I contented myself with decluttering instead, but I’m determined to nest anew this year.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Robyn, I like that attitudes are in the your group of “obsolete stuff.” In my case, Im thinking of adding to that list unhelpful old habits of mind, including fears that I’ve collected and saved.

    But what I like especially here is the photography . The nests are small, neat, and “hand-made”– a nice model for every stage of development, I think. Plus, they are designed for emerging life. Now that’s something. It made me realize, just now, that no matter my age, a nest of spirit can be regularly redesigned for new thoughts, hopes, dreams, plans.

    I’m going to save the first and last pictures, maybe even make a little fold-out stand, like an icon, for the end table where I read and occasionally tap tap on my glowing screen. When My Dear asks about it, I might say, “Oh, I’ve just been thinking about the soul as a nest.” She will nod patiently, as she always does, smile at the nice pictures, and eventually say something like, “Well that’s good because our nest could use some attention, starting with the dishes in the sink.”

    P.S. I’m sure that William Blake would approve of a new word-nest to fit our values.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Haha! Albert I love your idea of soul as nest but especially the speculated dialogue re profound ideas and the dishes. Thank you for your kind words re my photography. The pictures are a little out of focus but I like that it in this case so I’m glad you did too. I collect nests and there are plenty of abandoned ones when its been windy. Fortunately I think the nests were obsolete since there were no babies on the ground beside them. The photo with the thrush babies was taken on my sister’s front veranda where the mother bird had decided to entrust her eggs to a busy thoroughfare. We felt very privileged.
      I intend to ponder your ‘nest of spirit’ in my quiet times. I like the idea every much. Thanks for visiting and taking time to share your thoughts. I will be over to visit your blog soon.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. I loved your analogy of the bird nests, Robyn, and Albert’s thoughtful and witty comment. Dishes? Oh, yes, even passing on two surplus sets of dinnerware as we decluttered our kitchen cupboards a couple of years ago. For me, every January is a great decluttering month, and Tuesdays are regular decluttering days wherein some closet or set of drawers appear on my list. I LOVE to declutter! Does that sound crazy? Maybe. But, oh, what a fresh, clean feeling I get when even a little bit is finished. As for dishes, we decided we like the Blue Willow best of all, especially since we’re both “blue and white” people. Porcelain and ironstone, that is!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m so impressed that de-cluttering is a regular thing for you Jo. You’re right about the feeling of lightness it brings. Albert’s comments always bring insight for me Jo. He is so thoughtful and considered in his comments and blog posts.
      My sister made a comment this morning that I’m still pondering. She struggles with de-cluttering but says she has never valued objects in her home for their fashion or stylishness but rather for their symbolism and ability to make her feel good. I’ve decided to sort things according to how they make me feel from now on.


  4. I love the idea of the ‘nest’ as a place of enablement and somewhere that we can redesign and modify to suit our evolving needs….that’s a process that I’ve been going through recently too.

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  5. Pingback: Trans-Plant | Big Dreams for a Tiny Garden·

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