A Theory of Relativity



Rapunzel – no long locks but relatively beautiful

Just recently, I heard myself say ‘it’s all relative’. In fact it’s not the first time I’ve heard this, having said it many times before when trying to understand something from another point of view.

But let me tell you about this particular time. It concerns a discovery in the pond in my tiny courtyard garden, one I created from a large ceramic pot. I learnt how to waterproof it (after many attempts and the assistance of YouTube) and I installed a solar pump (YouTube again) to aerate the water. Then I stirred and added fish.

Mind you, I always imagined something a little larger – more a fish pond  than a fish pot, but given the size of my garden and  available resources, well … it’s all relative .

Over time, the fish pond has been home to green-tree frog tadpoles, various insects and other creepy critters, gold fish and some species of fish whose names I can’t recall despite paying close attention to the enthusiast who was trying  to educate me. The thing was, I simply wanted fish to live in my pond so my grandchildren could enjoy them. And enjoy them they did, feeding them and giving them weird names like Rapunzel and Dimension Pants. These latter two survive but respectfully I won’t name those who didn’t.

The others died for no reason I can fathom. The grandies handled it with more aplomb than I’d hoped. ‘Oh well’ was the offhand response. Whew! When you think about it, a minor disaster compared to the nightly news … it’s all relative.

Just a few days ago I was excited to see strange new life swimming in the pond. Tiny, tiny creatures which I mistook for minuscule tadpoles at first. Over the days since, they have grown – or my eyes have adjusted – and I can see they are actually little fish.

So, from where have they come? Could the two remaining fish – Rapunzel and Dimension  Pants- have coupled to re-populate my pond? A quick consult with Mr Google suggested they may have developed from eggs in foreign material imported into the environment, like plants. But there hasn’t been any.

I’m not one to look a gift horse, or fish for that matter, in the mouth, however tiny. I’m just pleased to have the newcomers call my pond home. Now I must wait until they grow beyond microscopic so I can photograph the evidence.

Getting back to relativity, the response to their presence was not relative to their size. My grandies were captivated and check them out each time they visit. I admit to doing the same every day, thrilled to see them grow into something one can actually see with the naked eye.

Sometimes the smallest things give pleasure beyond their size. I guess it’s all relative to who’s doing the appreciating.

Think big thoughts, but relish small pleasures. (H. Jackson Brown, Jr.)


The fish ‘pot’ and water lily

31 responses to “A Theory of Relativity

  1. You are amazing Robyn, finding a new theme each week! I am guilty of saying, it’s all relative, however it was our friend K who started me many years ago. Looking forward to updates on these new inhabitants of your pot/ pond.

    Liked by 2 people

    • You’ll be the first to know gentle friend, if they’re a desirable species or veritable piranhas. Well, maybe not the first. Rapunzel and Dimension Pants may find out sooner. : )

      But then, first, second, last … it’s all relative.

      Was it really K?

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Roxie and ZuZu and I are enthralled with the idea of a fish pond. I think it would be a tranquil place to meditate, but I think they are more interested in the snack value. As you’ve said, “It’s all relative.”


    • Clare, I’m sure you’ve watched your cats when they’re totally enthralled. The concentrated focus is fascinating. Every taut fibre of their being directed to one intense point. I used to delight in watching my mother’s Siamese when she hunted birds in the back yard. It became a game, with me leaving it to the last instant before I spoiled her hunt and frightened the poor things away. She’d slouch off with a look of sheer disgust.
      I can’t imagine ZuZu being so wicked but Roxie? Well … that’s another story. So when are you going to write it???

      Liked by 1 person

      • I went to the University nearby the other day and spoke with a student enrolled in the print class at the Fine Arts building. I also put up a notice for an illustrator. We shall see if I can come up with something. But right now, too many other projects to complete. Roxie is definitely my alter ego. She has the sweetest personality and then there is the devil that comes out every so often. And she’s very curious.
        On another note – I’ve just spent the last hour enjoying Camille’s posts on children’s books. I see you’re a fan, too.I always feel I’m traveling in a lovely fairy tale world when I visit her blog.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Good things on the horizon then Clare? Interesting how you relate so closely to Roxie.
        Yes I’m enjoying Camille’s blog posts too. Have you seen Lady Cottington’s Pressed Fairy Book? You’d love it. Published by Pavilion Books text by Terry Jones and illustrated ( brilliantly) by Brian Froud 1994.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Robyn, Hopefully, good things. But it’s spring and the gardens are calling. No, I’ve not seen that book. I’m familiar with Greenway and have many Tasha Tudors and a favorite called A Nursery Companion (Iona and Peter Opie) published by the Oxford University Press. And of course, Grimm. I will search that one out. Today I am putting some new photos together a design for the back cover of the alpaca book. And I need to compose a blurb. It’s a bit gray outside, so I won’t mind staying in. Hope it’s pleasant in your tiny garden. Clare


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